Sunday, September 13, 2009


I've noticed a lot of posts on blogs and in the news about sexting. Mostly, this seems to happen with teens and young adults (I haven't heard of any situations including anyone older than 20). Most nudists seem to side with the belief that there is nothing harmful with it.

I think the exact opposite, though. If the naked body was no big deal, these teens wouldn't care about taking pictures of themselves that highlight their nakedness. Maybe, if nudity was more common, we'd see them doing things naked. To me, that's the difference - pictures for the sake of nudity are more like exhibitionism, not nudism. The fact that guys will then send a picture of a naked girl to their friends highlight that they view a woman as a sexual object, not as a beautiful person.

If I send my wife a picture of myself naked to my wife, I obviously want her to see it, but I don't give her permission to show anyone else. If she does, without my permission, she's now violated my privacy.

Now, I can't go so far as to say that any of these kids should be labeled sex offenders. However, girls need to be taught to respect themselves better, and guys should be taught that they should treat any girl like a lady, not a pinup. While I may not agree with doing so, if guys and girls choose to share what I would perceive as intimate pictures, and keep it between themselves, then that's their business.

I plan, though, on teaching my future children that it isn't appropriate to do so until marriage. Even if I raise my children to love and respect the human form, they need to know that most people don't understand the philosophy. The world isn't a perfect place.

1 comment:

  1. BINGO!! Too many nudists want to support anything naked as legit. These are kids who do not know the magnitude of having nude images all over the internet. Especially since many of these kids change their minds not long after being teased and harassed over nude images of themselves for all to see.
