Wednesday, August 19, 2009


I've mentioned previously that my wife and I don't discuss our nudist tendencies with our families. Well, we have mentioned that we went to the county park, Haulover, when we weren't at the resort, knowing full well our family members weren't looking anything up about it. Aside from a sister-in-law that lives in Central FL, we have no other family members in Florida and definitely none that have visited Miami.
That being said, my sister-in-law wants to visit us on the day we first arrive to go beaching with us. Since we have an early flight, we originally planned to go to Haulover that day, and the resort beach the next (the resort has cabanas you can rent, which my wife likes). Now, I think she probably wouldn't care if we went to the C/O beach, but my wife disagrees. I would be more afraid that she would mention it to my in-laws, to which my wife definitely agrees.
So the question is, do we go to the resort beach, which will be more expensive since we won't be able to check in ($10/parking, poss. $10/chair or $40 cabana), or go to Haulover? And, if we go to Haulover, do we park in the middle, where she can see the C/O portion and possibly have the chance to go nude, or stay on the opposite side of the park (cheap, no questions asked)?


  1. It's been my experience that as long as they know it's simple locker-room style nudity, they're OK with it. Whether or not they're comfortable seeing you guys naked, or being naked themselves, is completely up to them. Parking in the middle seems like a great option, but if she wants to wander towards the textile side it might be a bummer for you guys.

  2. I don't think that the sister-in-law (SIL) would have an issue with it, except to be surprised that we like to frequent nude beaches. My wife thinks otherwise - she thinks that SIL won't be offended with the fact that the beach is there, but won't go near it either.

    Should we "reveal our secret", my biggest issue is whether she would mention it to someone else. I suppose that if we did bring it up, it would be with the intention of not revealing it to anyone else. Even if we went to the C/O side, I don't expect she'd partake, so I'm already thinking it will be a textile day for us.

    I should take heart in the fact that we may get to see her. As much as I'd love to visit Haulover again, I have to remember that it shouldn't outrank the need to visit with family.

  3. By the way, Academic Naturist, thanks for the comment.

    Have you been to Haulover? How far is the middle lot from the C/O section?

  4. You can still park in the north parking lot and go through the tunnel to the beach. The beach is not visible from the access road, but at each boardwalk crossover, there is a sign that warns of nude sunbathers. There are three crossovers before you get to the open area (textile) where you can actually see the beach.

    Maybe by walking past these signs, you will get an indication if she's willing to try it. Otherwise you can continue on to the textile beach and see the nude beach to the north.

    The majority of people will be turning off at the nude beach, so she may just decide to follow them to see what it's all about.

  5. My wife talked to her tonight. She mentioned that if we were not able to use the resort beach, that we could go to the county park (Haulover), but that she should be aware of the fact that there is a C/O section. She didn't mention that we were hoping to go to the C/O section.
    I mentioned that we could use the second tunnel, so that if she wanted to go, she could, but wife and I are both afraid that she would say something to someone. We'll have to take the situation as it goes.
    At least my wife is upset that she'll have tan lines!

  6. Keep in mind that if you hide naturism like it's a shameful act, then other people will see it as a shameful act. Normally, the whole "don't tell anybody else!" routine means your doing something wrong.

    My girlfriend is absolutely great in blurting out that we're naturists when the subject come up, then saying "so? what's wrong with that?" Her attitude that naturism is better than prudism is conveyed in conversation, even though she doesn't say it, and most everyone ends up considering it a hobby of hers instead of a shameful act. She inspires curiosity instead of condemnation because of her complete lack of shame.

    Although mentioning it might be a huge deal to you, bring it up in conversation like it's a normal everyday thing. This catches them off-guard since they think it's a shameful activity that should be a big secret. Make sure you have time to defend your position too, otherwise they'll get the wrong idea.

    Is it a really big deal if they tell someone else? Will you lose your job over it? (If dealing with kids, maybe, otherwise probably not.) Will you be disowned by the family? (Most likely not, although you may think otherwise.) If those two are a no for both of you, then I don't see why telling people is such a big deal. If they don't understand naturism, keep talking to them until they do.

  7. First, we both are educators, so while it shouldn't present a problem, there's a possibility it might.
    Secondly, in regards to the family, both sides are very conservative Christians. Nothing wrong with that (as I am as well), but if they don't think that social nudity as a sin, they probably would view it as something that leads to sin. A couple of years ago, I would have agreed.
    While my wife's family may be a little more open to it than my family, it may still cause issues that we just aren't ready to deal with. Maybe one day, we will.
    Thanks for the advice!

  8. Modest Nudist,

    I agree with you, and disagree with Academic Naturist, although I hear that point of view a lot. Just because you choose not to tell anybody else does NOT necessarily mean you think you're doing something wrong or are ashamed of it. I know there's nothing wrong with nudism, you know it, Academic Naturist knows it, probably everyone who reads this blog or others like it knows it, but that doesn't mean that there aren't people who don't know it, and won't agree with it even if you try to convince them. The fact is, you live in the world you live in, not the world you wish you lived in. Other people finding out can have real consequences. Academic naturist says you probably won't lose your job over it. What about people in client-driven fields -- doctors, lawyers, accountants, etc. (okay, doctors have "patients," not clients, but close enough)? A person can drop a lawyer, for example, for ANY reason -- it's not like getting fired from a job. That's why as enthusiastic as some nudists are, they need to be a bit realistic and realize that the whole world is never going to feel the way they do about it, and that people DO have to be able to take part in it while keeping it from others around them.

    Besides, even if not for the practical worry about having one's livelihood damaged, as discussed above, I think you can keep something from others without necessarily being ashamed of it. Some people just have sides of themselves that they choose not to share, and there's nothing wrong with that. Not everyone should have to know everything you're interested in.
